The Candy Game
Do you have any fun holiday traditions?
One of my favorite traditions is playing The Candy Game.
It's a game where everyone gets a turn picking a candy and telling a story.
Then you vote - was the story candy worthy?
I think you would love this game!
It's perfect for family gatherings, parties, and even sleepovers. Plus, it features over 30 Retro candies. And each with a story or tale to tell.
I would love to hear what you think about it after you play!
Remember these?
What you have in common with Aunt Barbara...
is that you were both once kids - and you both loved candy!
The candy game is filled with old-school candy that is sure to make you ooh and ahhh!
Never received any candy
hi i love the traditional candy,the old time candy,and i love free candy,that you don't have to use a credit card to pay,when it's free.!
Yes, that is absolutely correct.
You pay for the shipping.
We are very up front about the Birthday club.
From the ad to the email explaining the rules and when you redeem.
Local folks get 1/4 lb and must pick up
Long distance folks get 4x the free candy and must pay the shipping.
I am sorry you misunderstood.